Vegetable Seller Parklands
Pumpkin Leaves Bunch
 Pumpkin Leaves Bunch
KSh30.00KSh50.00 -
Red Chard (Spinach) Bunch
Red Chard (Spinach) Bunch
Red chard spinach are leafy greens in the amaranth family with a flavor
profile that shares the earthiness of beet with the salinity of spinach.KSh39.00KSh50.00 -
Rhubarb – 1kg
Rhubarb – 500g / approx 5 pieces
KSh100.00KSh120.00 -
Spinach- Bunch
Spinach Bunch – approx 750g
Just like terere, spinach belongs to the amaranth family and is
related to beets and quinoa. What’s more, it’s considered very healthy,
as it’s loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. Eating spinach may
benefit eye health and reduce oxidative stress…KSh80.00KSh100.00 -
Whole Fine Beans – 500g
Whole Fine Beans – 500g
Eat well, love life…
KSh109.00KSh120.00 -
Spring Onions Bunch
Spring Onions Bunch
KSh25.00KSh35.00 -
Terere (Amaranthus) Bunch – approx 700g
Terere (Amaranthus) Bunch – approx 700g
There are about 60 species of Amaranthus, however, only a
limited number are of the cultivated types as most are considered weedy
species and hence rarely preserved. Amaranth leaves when cooked are rich
sources of calcium, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate.KSh50.00KSh60.00 -
Yellow Swiss Chard Bunch
Yellow Swiss Chard Bunch