Vegetable Seller Parklands
Beetroot – 1Kg
Beetroot – 1Kg
Beetroot is an extremely nutritious vegetable, rich in vitamin C and can be very versatile in the preparation of bright dishes, as well as being mixed with various fruits in healthy, kid-friendly juices.
KSh130.00KSh150.00 -
Baby Corn – Pack
Baby Corn – 250g
Baby corn is mildly sweet and has a satisfying snap to it. They are commonly used in Asian cuisine, including stir-fries, curries, and noodle dishes. If a dish lacks texture, baby corn provides a pleasant crunch without an overpowering flavor.
KSh120.00KSh150.00 -
Artichokes – Bunch
Artichokes – 500g
Enjoy delicious, locally grown artichokes from Cloud Maduka
KSh75.00KSh85.00 -
Portobello Mushroom – 1 pack
Portobello Mushroom – 350g
Portobello mushrooms have a rich and intense umami flavor
KSh300.00KSh400.00 -
Mixed Mushroom 1Pack
Mixed Mushroom Pack – 500g
This Mixed mushroom pack contains white button mushrooms, cremini mushrooms and portobello mushrooms – all of which are essentially the same mushroom strain at different growth stages. The difference in the maturity of the mushrooms means that this mixed pack will infuse a medley of flavours to whatever dish your prepping, infusing earthy undertones, umami notes and creaminess on their way down.KSh300.00KSh350.00 -
Kales (Sukuma Wiki) Bunch
Kales (Sukuma Wiki) Bunch – approx 300g
Kale is a popular vegetable and a member of the cabbage family. It is a
cruciferous vegetable like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collard
greens, and Brussels sprouts. The leaves may be green or purple and have
either a smooth or curly shape.KSh50.00KSh60.00 -
Lemongrass Bunch – approx 5 stalks / 150g
Lemongrass Bunch – approx 5 stalks
KSh40.00KSh50.00 -
Managu (African Nightshade) Bunch
Managu (African Nightshade) Bunch – approx 500g
KSh65.00KSh75.00 -
Matoke Banana Bunch – Approx. 1Kg