Chickpeas – 1Kg
Chickpeas – 1Kg
The chickpea or chick pea is a legume of the family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae. Its different types are variously known as gram, or Bengal gram, garbanzo or garbanzo bean, as well as the Egyptian pea. Its seeds are high in protein.
KSh250.00KSh285.00 -
Ndegu (Special) – 1Kg
Ndegu (Special) – 1Kg
Its a yellowish brown grain that’s absolutely delicious and an excellent alternative to the green gram.
KSh250.00KSh280.00 -
Greengrams – 1Kg
Greengrams – 1Kg
Green grams have a slightly sweet, nutty flavor and can be cooked like other dried beans. Enjoy them with chapati or Rice.
KSh250.00KSh280.00 -
Black Butter Beans – 1Kg
Black Butter Beans – 1Kg
Black Butter beans have a velvety texture and rich, savory, almost buttery flavor. They are great baked or braised & high in protein which is a vital nutrient that plays a key role in maintaining and repairing the body.
KSh240.00KSh300.00 -
White Butter Beans – 1Kg
White Butter Beans – 1Kg
Butter beans have a velvety texture and rich, savory, almost buttery flavor or taste. They are great baked or braised.
KSh300.00KSh320.00 -
Red Beans (Wairimu) – 1Kg
Red Beans (Wairimu) – 1Kg
Famous for its rich red color in Githeri (cooked mixture of maize and beans) and Madondo (beans stew). They are high in dietary fiber, which helps promote digestive health while increasing the absorption of healthy nutrients.
KSh220.00KSh240.00 -
Nyayo Beans – 1Kg
Mbaazi (Pigeon Peas) – 1Kg
They are slightly sweeter in flavor with a smooth creamy texture.They need to be soaked overnight and cooked until soft. Once cooked, they look very similar to peanuts. Cooking them in a pressure cooker saves time.
KSh220.00KSh240.00 -
Mbaazi (Pigeon Peas) – 1Kg
Mbaazi (Pigeon Peas) – 1Kg
Try Preparing the famous Mbaazi wa Nazi (Pigeon Peas with Coconut) it’s the Swahili way to prepare this popular tropical pulse.Serve “Swahili style” with Chapati.
KSh240.00KSh260.00 -
Rose coco (Borlotti Beans) – 1Kg
Rose coco (Borlotti Beans) – 1Kg
They are slightly sweeter in flavor with a smooth creamy texture. They need to be soaked overnight and cooked until soft. Once cooked, they look very similar to peanuts. Cooking them in a pressure cooker saves time.
KSh240.00KSh260.00 -
Njahi ( Black Beans) – 1Kg
Njahi ( Black Beans) – 1Kg
Black beans are soft, creamy, and mild. They don’t have an overwhelming flavor, which is why they are good in so many dishes. They take on flavor from salt and the ingredients they are cooked with.
KSh240.00KSh260.00 -
Yellow Beans – 1Kg
Yellow Beans – 1Kg
A thin-skinned, nearly round Maine heirloom bean that has a tawny yellow color but cooks white and has a distinctly unique flavor
KSh240.00KSh260.00 -
Al Qamar basmati 25kg
 Al Qamar basmati 25kg
- Product Name: Al Qamar Basmati
- Brand Name: Al Qamar
- Product Type: Food cupboard
- Quality: Top quality
- Affordable price.