Pumpkin Leaves – Bunch
Pumpkin Leaves – Bunch
Mlango Farm is a farm in Ngecha village, near Limuru. Mlango Farm grows vegetables in a sustainable way, without the use of pesticides, chemicals or synthetic fertilizers.
KSh40.00KSh50.00 -
About the Product :- Bottle Gourds are high-quality vegetables as compared to other vegetables. They also promote a healthy heart by bringing down bad cholesterol levels. Bottle gourd is extremely low in saturated fats and cholesterol and is rich in water and nutrients required to lose fat from the body.
Benefits :- Bottle gourd is one of the lowest-calorie vegetables- carrying just 14 calories per 100 g. It is one of the vegetables recommended by dieticians in weight-control programs.
- Essential for pregnant women as these are rich in iron and contain other essential vitamins. Fresh gourds contain small quantities of folates, containing about 6 µg/100g (Providing just 1.5% of RDA). Folate helps reduce the incidence of neural tube defects in newborns when taken by anticipant mothers during their early months of pregnancy.
- The fresh calabash gourd is a modest source of vitamin C (100 g of raw fruit provides 10 mg or about 17% of RDA). Vitamin C is one of the powerful natural antioxidants that help scavenge harmful free radicals.
- Bottle gourd facilitates easy digestion and movement of food through the bowel until it is excreted from the body. Thus, it helps in relieving indigestion and constipation problems.
- Also, the vegetable is also a modest source of thiamin, niacin (vitamin B-3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5), pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), and minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, manganese, and magnesium.
- Its tender leaves and tendrils are also edible; indeed carry higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals than the bottle gourd fruit.
Storage and Uses :- Store Bottle Gourd stems side down in a single layer, at room temperature, away from the sunlight.
- Ripe Bottle Gourd should be refrigerated if they need to be stored for a long time.
- Bottle Gourd is used in soups, curries, pickles, etc. Bottle Gourd that is cooked with a touch of oil gives more lycopene than raw ones.
KSh125.00KSh150.00 -
This vegetable is smooth-skinned and bright green in colour. The flesh is white on the inside and the seeds are tender and small. It has a slightly sweet edge and the mature ones impart a fruity flavour to the savoury recipes. It often boosts metabolism and hence helps reduce fat. Additionally, it is known to have a significant reaction on the blood sugar level in individuals. It holds the potential to improve one’s glucose tolerance and hence, significantly lowers the blood sugar levels
KSh250.00KSh300.00 -
Flat beans-1kg
Flat beans-1kg
Consuming vegetables loaded with nutrition can eliminate the risk of a host of diseases and green beans are a rich source of vitamins A, C, and K which can help you to improve your overall well-being. They are also a good source of proteins, improve eye and heart health, and can decrease the risk of iron deficiency. Speaking about flat beans are also known they are broad with green pods inside them and can help you to lose weight.
Flat beans are also rich in folate and vitamin B, which can help in blood cell development; cognitive functioning, and can provide energy. The beans are a very rich source of dietary fiber (66% per 100g RDA) which act as a bulk laxative. They also reduce blood cholesterol levels by decreasing the re-absorption of cholesterol-binding bile acids in the colon. Broad beans are one of the finest sources of minerals like iron, copper, manganese, calcium, and magnesium which can help you to strengthen your immunity
KSh250.00KSh300.00 -
Beans sprout-pack
Beans sprout-pack
Bean sprouts are an excellent source of antioxidants, which protect against cell damage and may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
KSh180.00KSh200.00 -
Kikuyu onion-pack
Kikuyu onion-pack
KSh150.00KSh180.00 -
The spice known as turmeric may be the most effective nutritional supplement in existence.
Many high-quality studies show that turmeric has major benefits for your body and brain. Many of these benefits come from its main active ingredient, curcumin.
KSh300.00KSh350.00 -
Cherry tomato-pack
Cherry tomato-pack
Cherry Tomatoes are slightly smaller than average tomatoes. These tiny tomatoes are juicy and rich in lycopene which is key in fighting disease-causing free radicals, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Potassium
Regular consumption of cherry tomatoes has been found to promote overall heart and brain health due to their anti-inflammatory properties. You can enjoy them as a snack with hummus or spinach dip. Or lightly roast them with an assortment of veggies such as carrots, and asparagus and enjoy.
KSh120.00KSh150.00 -
Cucumber english-1kg
Cucumber English-1kg
These English cucumbers are sourced from GAP-certified farms in Kajiado and meet export quality standards
Did you know that an English cucumber is generally sweeter than a regular cucumber? It also has smaller seeds and thinner skin than a regular cucumber.
KSh180.00KSh200.00 -
Tomatoes form the base of many curries and meals across a lot of cultures around the world. This fruit not only provides flavor to meals but it is also known as a powerful antioxidant. Furthermore, it helps strengthen the heart and prevent constipation
KSh110.00KSh160.00 -
Chives – Bunch
These chives are sourced from GAP certified farms and meet export quality standards
KSh40.00KSh62.00 -
Curly Parsley – Bunch
Fresh Curly Parsley, Bunch ; Total Fat 0.5g ; Saturated Fat0.079g ; Trans Fat0g ; Polyunsaturated Fat0.074g ; Monounsaturated Fat0.177g.
KSh40.00KSh60.00 -
Oregano – Bunch
Cerez Pazari Oregano Leaves 5.3 oz Premium Grade Bulk, %100 Natural, Freshly Packed, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, No Preservatives, Easy To Use Flapper Spice Cap.
KSh25.00KSh40.00 -
Sage – Bunch
sage, (Salvia officinalis), also called common sage or garden sage, aromatic herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae) cultivated for its pungent edible leaves.
KSh25.00KSh40.00 -
Thyme – Bunch
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is an herb with a distinct smell. The flowers, leaves, and oil are commonly used to flavor foods and are also used as medicine.
KSh25.00KSh40.00 -
Chinese Cabbage – 1Kg
Napa (also called Chinese cabbage) absorbs the flavors of the foods around it. That’s why a lot of Chinese people like to add Napa cabbage in their soups or cook in a hot pot.
KSh120.00KSh140.00 -
Red Cabbage – 1Kg
Red cabbage is an incredibly versatile vegetable that can be enjoyed raw, cooked, or fermented and added to a variety of dishes
KSh100.00KSh120.00 -
Green Lettuce – Bunch
Lettuce (Lactuva sativa) is an annual plant first cultivated by Egyptians. It has been used in Unani for centuries for treating many ailments. This green leafy vegetable is an excellent source of essential nutrients and antioxidants. It is often used in salads, sandwiches, soups, and wraps.
KSh25.00KSh35.00 -
Yellow Capsicum – 1kg
Add a splash of color to your meal with this deliciously bright yellow capsicum. They are milder than their green cousins, and that’s why sometimes they’re called sweet peppers.
KSh160.00KSh185.00 -
Red Capsicum – 1kg
Red capsicum is actually the most nutritious out of all the capsicums because it is harvested later. Red pepper has a huge level of vitamin C
KSh100.00KSh130.00 -
Brussel Sprouts – 1kg
Brussel Sprouts – 250g
Brussel Sprouts resemble miniature cabbages so it’s no surprise that they’re really a member of the Cabbage family.
Low in calories yet high in fibre, Brussel Sprouts are packed with Omega 3 fatty acids. Whether sautéed, roasted or tossed in a zingy dressing, Brussel Sprouts are assured to give you the dose of nutrients that your body needs!
KSh160.00KSh185.00 -
Red Potatoes – 1Kg
They are medium sized with thin red skin and white flesh that has a crisp, waxy texture. They are good potatoes for boiling, steaming, and roasting.
KSh100.00KSh130.00 -
Baby Potatoes- 1Kg
Baby Potatoes- 1Kg
Baby potatoes are immature potatoes. They are delicious when roasted, grilled, or pan-fried. Their skin is soft and thin and full of nutrients such as vitamin C, and minerals such as iron, so you don’t need to peel them!
KSh100.00KSh130.00 -
Cabbage – 1kg
Shredded cabbage can be directly added to any salad and sandwiches as they are most nutritious when eaten raw. Also used in pickles and flat breads.
KSh75.00KSh90.00 -
Plantain – Dozen
Plantain – 1Kg
Plantains can be green, yellow or dark brown. They are different from bananas, and taste better when they are cooked! They are delicious when roasted, grilled or fried.
KSh350.00KSh400.00 -
Eggplant – 1KG
Eggplant – 1KG
Eggplants can come in many different colours and shapes, some are green, stripy, or round. You can cook eggplant in many ways, including roasted or fried!
KSh150.00KSh170.00 -
Arrowroots – 1Kg
Originally from Indonesia, these gems of a root can be cooked in both savoury and sweet dishes. Arrowroot is very easy to digest which makes it perfect for children or people who need gentler food!
KSh140.00KSh220.00 -
Butternut – 1kg
Butternut – Piece
Butternut or butternut squash is very good in soups. It is very nutritious, as it is full of vitamin A. You can also roast the butternut seeds and eat them as an appetizer!
KSh100.00KSh150.00 -
French Beans – 1KG
French Beans – 1KG
French beans. Snap beans. Bobby beans. Whatever you call it, there’s no denying it’s a wonderful addition to anyone’s kitchen. They are an excellent source of fibre and come with lots and lots of minerals too. You can boil them for 3-5 minutes to cook them, after which add iced water to stop cooking in residual heat.
KSh70.00KSh150.00 -
White Radish – 1kg
White Radish – 500g
Radishes are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E, and K, along with calcium, iron, and dietary fiber. They also contain high levels of antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the body. Radish microgreens are a great way to add nutrients and flavor to your diet without adding too many calories.
KSh150.00KSh200.00 -
Cucumber local – 1Kg
These cucumbers are sourced from GAP certified farmers and meet export quality standards
Did you know cucumbers are 95% water? They are a good alternative if you have trouble drinking enough water during the day.
KSh115.00KSh150.00 -
Red Radish -1kg
Red Radish – 500g
Radishes are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E, and K, along with calcium, iron, and dietary fiber. They also contain high levels of antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the body. Radish microgreens are a great way to add nutrients and flavor to your diet without adding too many calories.
KSh150.00KSh200.00 -
Leeks – 1kg
Leeks – Bunch
Eat well, love life…
KSh120.00KSh150.00 -
Broccoli – 1kg
Broccoli – Piece
Tenderstem broccoli is a hybrid of Chinese kale and broccoli. As a hybrid of two superfoods, tenderstem is high in folic acid and vitamins A and C – gram for gram it contains more vitamin C than oranges.
KSh220.00KSh300.00 -
Celery Bunch -1kg
Garlic – 250g
At just 10 calories a stalk, celery’s claim to fame may be that it’s long been considered a low-calorie “diet food.” Celery is high in antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory, and is rich in vitamins and minerals with a low glycemic index.
KSh170.00KSh200.00 -
Garlic – 1kg
Garlic – 250g
Garlic is a powerful antioxidant that is not only good for your body but also gives an amazing taste to your food!
Fun fact: The compound allicin in garlic that gives it a strong smell is responsible for its antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
KSh350.00KSh400.00 -
Pumpkin -1kg
Pumpkin – Piece
These pumpkins are sourced from GAP certified farms in Kajiado and meet export quality standards
Pumpkins belong to the gourd family. They are actually fruits and not vegetables and are related to cucumbers and melons. Did you know, it’s said that pumpkins are good for your hearing? That’s because they have a high content of potassium!
KSh90.00KSh120.00 -
Pumpkin – Approx. 4Kg
Pumpkin – Approx. 4Kg
These pumpkins are sourced from GAP certified farms in Kajiado and meet export quality standards
Pumpkins belong to the gourd family. They are actually fruits and not vegetables and are related to cucumbers and melons. Did you know, it’s said that pumpkins are good for your hearing? That’s because they have a high content of potassium!
KSh530.00KSh580.00 -
Ginger – 1kg
Ginger – 500g
Sliced ginger root in soups and curries is delicious! Ginger has incredible health benefits because of its main bioactive compound, gingerol. It is responsible for most of ginger’s medicinal properties. Ginger is used to aid digestion, reduce nausea and fight colds and morning sickness.
KSh200.00KSh250.00 -
Finger Chillies – 1kg
Finger Chillies – 250g
Finger Chillies, are a small, thin chili variety. They start out light green and ripen to red, and can be used fresh or dried. It’s very hot. As a result, it adds great flavor and spice to many dishes!
KSh250.00KSh270.00 -
Courgettes – 1KG
Courgettes – 1KG
Famously known as one of the ingredients needed for Ratatoullie, courgettes( also known as Zucchini) are a well-loved savoury vegetable.
KSh120.00KSh160.00 -
Cauliflower – Piece
Cauliflower – Piece
Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that is naturally high in fibre and B-vitamins. It also contains fibre to enhance weight loss and digestion, choline which is essential for learning and memory, and many other important nutrients.
KSh180.00KSh200.00 -
Asparagus – 1kg
Asparagus – 500g
These Asparagus are sourced from GAP certified farms and meet export quality standards
KSh600.00KSh700.00 -
White Radish – Piece
White Radish – Piece
The product may come in a plastic package to ensure food safety and maintenance of quality. Kindly dispose of the container responsibly. Alternatively, return to Cloud Maduka for disposal.
KSh80.00KSh100.00 -
Cauliflower – Piece / Approx. 700g – 1Kg
Cauliflower – Piece / Approx. 700g – 1Kg
Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable that is naturally high in fibre and B-vitamins. It also contains fibre to enhance weight loss and digestion, choline which is essential for learning and memory, and many other important nutrients.
KSh200.00KSh250.00 -
Beetroot – 1Kg
Beetroot – 1Kg
Beetroot is an extremely nutritious vegetable, rich in vitamin C and can be very versatile in the preparation of bright dishes, as well as being mixed with various fruits in healthy, kid-friendly juices.
KSh130.00KSh150.00 -
Baby Corn – Pack
Baby Corn – 250g
Baby corn is mildly sweet and has a satisfying snap to it. They are commonly used in Asian cuisine, including stir-fries, curries, and noodle dishes. If a dish lacks texture, baby corn provides a pleasant crunch without an overpowering flavor.
KSh120.00KSh150.00 -
Artichokes – Bunch
Artichokes – 500g
Enjoy delicious, locally grown artichokes from Cloud Maduka
KSh75.00KSh85.00 -
Portobello Mushroom – 1 pack
Portobello Mushroom – 350g
Portobello mushrooms have a rich and intense umami flavor
KSh300.00KSh400.00 -
Mixed Mushroom 1Pack
Mixed Mushroom Pack – 500g
This Mixed mushroom pack contains white button mushrooms, cremini mushrooms and portobello mushrooms – all of which are essentially the same mushroom strain at different growth stages. The difference in the maturity of the mushrooms means that this mixed pack will infuse a medley of flavours to whatever dish your prepping, infusing earthy undertones, umami notes and creaminess on their way down.KSh300.00KSh350.00 -
Kales (Sukuma Wiki) Bunch
Kales (Sukuma Wiki) Bunch – approx 300g
Kale is a popular vegetable and a member of the cabbage family. It is a
cruciferous vegetable like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, collard
greens, and Brussels sprouts. The leaves may be green or purple and have
either a smooth or curly shape.KSh50.00KSh60.00 -
Lemongrass Bunch – approx 5 stalks / 150g
Lemongrass Bunch – approx 5 stalks
KSh40.00KSh50.00 -
Managu (African Nightshade) Bunch
Managu (African Nightshade) Bunch – approx 500g
KSh65.00KSh75.00 -
Matoke Banana Bunch – Approx. 1Kg
KSh140.00KSh200.00 -
Pumpkin Leaves Bunch
Pumpkin Leaves Bunch
KSh30.00KSh50.00 -
Red Chard (Spinach) Bunch
Red Chard (Spinach) Bunch
Red chard spinach are leafy greens in the amaranth family with a flavor
profile that shares the earthiness of beet with the salinity of spinach.KSh39.00KSh50.00 -
Rhubarb – 1kg
Rhubarb – 500g / approx 5 pieces
KSh100.00KSh120.00 -
Spinach- Bunch
Spinach Bunch – approx 750g
Just like terere, spinach belongs to the amaranth family and is
related to beets and quinoa. What’s more, it’s considered very healthy,
as it’s loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. Eating spinach may
benefit eye health and reduce oxidative stress…KSh80.00KSh100.00 -
Whole Fine Beans – 500g
Whole Fine Beans – 500g
Eat well, love life…
KSh109.00KSh120.00 -
Spring Onions Bunch
Spring Onions Bunch
KSh25.00KSh35.00 -
Terere (Amaranthus) Bunch – approx 700g
Terere (Amaranthus) Bunch – approx 700g
There are about 60 species of Amaranthus, however, only a
limited number are of the cultivated types as most are considered weedy
species and hence rarely preserved. Amaranth leaves when cooked are rich
sources of calcium, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin C, and folate.KSh50.00KSh60.00 -
Yellow Swiss Chard Bunch
Yellow Swiss Chard Bunch
KSh39.00KSh45.00 -
Green Capsicum – 1kg
These capsicums are sourced from GAP certified farms in Naivasha and meet export quality standards
Green capsicum is incredibly
nutritious. You can eat it in salads, roast it or use it as toppings for
your pizza. All capsicums have high levels of vitamin C.KSh100.00KSh130.00 -
Broccoli Tips – 500g
Eat well, love life…
KSh159.00KSh172.00 -
Garden Peas – 1kg
Eat well, love life…
KSh300.00KSh400.00 -
Baby Spinach – Bunch
Baby Spinach – 125g
spinach is just young spinach that farmers harvest during the early
stages of plant growth. The smaller leaves are more tender and have a
sweeter flavor than mature spinach.KSh25.00KSh35.00 -
Bullet Chilies – 1kg
Red Serenade Chilies
Export quality red serenade chillies, grown in Kenya.